Aux Sends & Returns


The channelstrips are designed for their signal to be sent to the main mix but, what if you wanted to send more copies of a signal for further routing or processing elsewhere.

“Auxiliary Sends” serves as this function suitable for multiple purposes. It can duplicate the signal of a channelstrip for headphone mixes or external processing such as a reverb or delay to be brought back in the “Stereo Return” in the master section.


Send Gain

The level of signal going to a desired aux master or feeding directly to the patchbay.


Determines if the aux send should listen to signal BEFORE reaching the channel fader. By engaging this parameter, audio will be sent to the aux even if the channel fader is down.


The destination where the sends come back to after they’ve been further process in the signal chain.

Steps to Using A Send

Assign A Reverb

  1. Assign PRE fader (optional) on the channel.
  2. Raise desired aux send level on the channel.
  3. Raise aux master gain level in master section.
  4. Patch from aux send to a reverb “L” input.
  5. Turn on the reverb unit, ensure input & output levels.
  6. Assign the “M>S” (mono to stereo).
  7. Patch from reverb outputs “L & R” to Stereo Return Inputs.
  8. Raise Stereo Return gain level and assign to desired bus.

Assign A Headphone Mix

  1. Assign PRE fader (optional) on the channel.
  2. Raise desired aux send level on the channel.
  3. Raise aux master gain level in master section.
  4. Preview the headphone mix via SOLO or dedicated monitor select.

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