- Accounts
- Bundle / School Shop
- Personal Shop
- Getting Started
- Session Mode
- Console Operation
- Audio Effects
- Education
- Advanced Functions
- Install & Startup Issues
- Uninstall / Reinstall
- Audio File & Playback Issues
- Audio I/O Issues
- Update Issues
- Xena Mixer
- Yamuka Mixer
- Maggie Mixer
- Zedd Mixer
- DG32 Digital Mixer
- SteeV88
- Audyssey Console
- Xena Web App
- EDU Portal
- Virtual Studio XR
Install & Startup Issues
- Docs
- SoundcheckPro
- Troubleshoot
- Install & Startup Issues
Apple is becoming even more increasingly restrictive with their new M-series silicon computers.
If you experience issues at first launch, right click the application and select “Get Info”. The enable “Open with Rosetta” and try launching again.
Launching the Application
SoundcheckPro won’t launch
Application should be correctly named “SoundcheckPro”. Any other format could cause startup issues.
*Before September 2021, the name should be “Soundcheck2D”*
- Application should be correctly named “SoundcheckPro”. Any other format could cause startup issues.
- Application should be extracted & launched from within the directory of the users profile. “Documents” is a safe place for troubleshooting.
Example: Cdrive>Users>”username”>Documents
Some Windows machines will have the downloads & desktop under the userprofle, some will not and will require troubleshooting.
- SoundcheckPro requires an account – Register Here
- Requires a strong internet connection to download most recent update upon activation.
Startup Messages & Alerts
The following indicators might occur during startup. (launch logo screen)
Error Messages
- No Internet Connection
- Hardware ID Does Not Match (see next section)
- New Launcher Available
Hardware ID Does Not Match
An activation has already been made.
License control is not available to end-users.
Only special inquiries will be eligible for activation clearing.
Stuck on the Main Logo / Downloading Update
- Stuck on Main Logo with no activation dialog
- Stuck on Main Logo with the text saying “Downloading Update”
Contact Support.
- Be sure SoundcheckPro is not launched from Desktop or Downloads folder.
- Download this version: Here
Hardware Activation Reset
License control is not available to end-users.
Only special inquiries will be eligible for activation clearing.
Contact Support
Any issues encountered at startup should be reported.
Please include the following
- Operating System
- Computers Specs ~ Model, Year, Memory,