Happy new year! It was an interesting year with a rapidly changing landscape and many breakthoroughts in development. New consoles in SouncheckPro, the EDU Portal, a free web app and more! Let’s look back on the highlight achievements of 2021. There is something you might have missed.
SteeV88 Console
The SteeV88 is a simulation of a modern classic made in tribute to ‘the maker’ for all of his glorious creations to the birth of the sonic universe.

Phantom Power, Mic vs Line Sources & More
The microphone selection menu has received some well deserved attention. A mic will now reduce its file player signal by at least -20db. On top of that, PHANTOM POWER, has come the mic selection. The lights on the source mic will indicate whether it is requiring or receiving 48v.
- yellow = requires but not receiving (no output)
- green = requires and receiving 48v (output)
- red = not required and will trigger an alert! (no output)

Free Xena Web App
Xena is a ‘hardware-style mixer’ that is freely avaialble in the browser. Designed for middle schools and high schools who are restricted to chromebooks or ipads. They were not able to use the standard version of SoundcheckPro until now.. Try it out!

AES Education Paper
At the Audio Education Conference we presented our paper “Signal Flow Training with Virtual Simulations as a Co-Curricular Tool” which documented the ways educators implemented a new type of tool for audio education and its’ impact on learning. Virtual Console & Signal Flow Simulations are first of their kind.
The paper on “Signal Flow Training with Virtual Simulations as a Co-Curricular Tool” is now available in the AES Library

EDU Portal Released
Data-driven audio education was made available to all partnering institutions using SoundcheckPro. The school profiles allowed for educators and students to be grouped together by their programs for easy management. Educators and IT staff could review all relevant details related to their program; accounts, activations, order codes, students stats. Learn more.

Activity Feed
SoundcheckPro Stats show the general details of usage. The new Activity Feed went steps further. All sequential actions can be visualized allowing for review of ANY session in the last 30 days.

SoundcheckPro Saves Audio Education $10+ Million
According to our most moderate estimates using SoundcheckPro stats and the activity feed metrics since the start of the pandemic.. considering the costs of the technologies, the duration of labs, requiring supervision and maintenance, we estimate over $10 million has saved! This result is not possible if not for the programs that made the most of their usage of SoundcheckPro.

The fact is, putting an in-line mixer (or any mixer) and a patchbay in the hands of a student to use independently starts the saving clock right from the get go!
Launching AudioEducator.io
Through the experience of serving audio education through the crisis, it was clear there was lack of resources educators were exposed to. We want to help educators and students beyond our own product line. We contribute a percentage of all sales to improving audio education and impact.

Here’s a list of what is available so far:
- Curriculum Journal – Collecting useful articles and links. The collection will expand to allow educators to view different links on the same topics in order to choose which best meets their needs
- School Directory – A list of schools with audio or music related courses. This might just be the largest collection of audio schools on the web!
- Workshops – Learn more ways to increase learning potentials in the classroom and online. Expand skillsets and awareness.
- Apps – Software Tools For Education. We bet there are many resources you haven’t seen before
- Advocacy – Pushing for an improved audio education at all fronts
- News
Head on over to audioeducator.io
Virtual Studio XR – Alpha Released
After two years of signal flow teaching online with SoundcheckPro, the educators in our network grew increasing prepared for more practical examination in a virtual environment. Already in early access alpha, Virtual Studio had long awaited it’s opportunity to shine.