SoundcheckPro saves Audio Education over $10 million since the onset of the pandemic.
With the unpredictable landscape of audio education, students were restricted in their access to hardware labs. The programs that incorporated SoundcheckPro into their curriculums saw a major investment on returns. Not only in did these programs provide an effective means for students to learn and practice hardware mixing and signal flow, more so, programs were able to provide an abundance more of “lab time” at fractions of the cost.

According to our most moderate estimates using SoundcheckPro stats and the activity feed metrics since the start of the pandemic.. considering the costs of the technologies, the duration of labs, requiring supervision and maintenance, we estimate over $10 million has saved! This result is not possible if not for the programs that made the most of their usage of SoundcheckPro.
The fact is, putting an in-line mixer (or any mixer) and a patchbay in the hands of a student to use independently starts the saving clock right from the get go!
SoundcheckPro Stats
The benefits of virtual simulations in education comes from data that can be derived remotely. Educators want to be able to measure student growth with integrity when students are not physically present. “Soundcheck Stats” are the solution, similar to video game stats presented in the users profile. SoundcheckPro is influencing “Data Driven Audio Education”. From the SoundcheckPro stats, we are able to see the amount of times mixers are used. This metric alone provides an abundance insight as to how many sessions are performed in SoundcheckPro

Activity Feed
The new “Activity Feed” will show the most recent 2000 actions made by a user within the last 7 days separated by day. It could be found via the new “activities” button which has been added to every user dashboard. This current data represents data from the uses contribution to the first 1 million actions in SoundcheckPro.
Types of Actions in the Activity Feed
- Adding audio files
- Adjusting console parameters
- Assigning patchbay connections