What we all hoped would be the year we’d see flying cars and hoverboards turned out to be one of the most restraining of the last 100 years. We were sent back to a stone age at the mercy of mother nature, limited from human contact and public spaces. Everyone has been impacted by the pandemic. The corona-virus threatened studio and live sound industries as we knew it. Audio education had received a major blow to their ability to offer opportunity for students who long waited their chance to learn hands-on. Educators have been forced to improvise.
Limited access to technology is something we at AudioFusion are very familiar with. SoundcheckPro was developed due to a desire for more hands-on access to music technology hardware. It proved useful during our time studying at university and post graduation. Now, in a dire situation where there is little to zero access to studios or labs, SoundcheckPro serves as a perfect solution for unexpected hybrid campus/online delivery.
Since the onset of the pandemic in the Spring/Summer, I’ve met with hundreds of educators over hundreds of hours from all across the globe who were looking for a solution to continue their courses. Offering software demonstrations of SoundcheckPro over zoom was the ideal real-world example of how these educators hoped their courses could be delivered online. Most found great confidence in SoundcheckPro as they further experimented with free demos. During this trial period, I listened to all feedback and made necessary improvements for the fall at a large scale.

Soundcheck Stats have been collecting all semester by the different interactions users make with the different devices available. Considering the amount of restrictions placed on students all over the world, the thousands who used SoundcheckPro yielded some pretty astonishing numbers.
Since the introduction of Soundcheck Stats, there have been over 600,000 interactions within SoundcheckPro Sessions.

Individual session stats are available on the user account dashboard.
Educators have the ability to see all the stats of their program.

Here a few stats made from the thousands of users this semester:
- Total Events: 601,000+
- Console Interactions: 164,000+
- Patchbay Interactions: 100,000+
- Audio Files Loaded: 47,000+
- Average Interaction Per Session: 90+
Most Popular Mixers:
- MAGGIE – The 4 & 16 channel models were a favorite for educators to introduce the complexities of signal flow with less complexity.
- YAMUKA – The highlighted free mixer! It might be small but it offers a lot of the common signal path with unique parameters!
- AWX – The original console of SoundcheckPro! Offering the entire journey of signal flow in split console.
Honorable Mention:
- AUDYSSEY – This console debuted halfway through the semester. Certainly with equal time it would have ranked higher.
Whats coming in 2021?
Stay tuned for software feature announcements but first…
School Pages – Information, classroom lists, students lists
Classroom Pages – Monitor student stats in groups
Student Pages (coming soon) – Individual student profile

Educators can already sign up for these features by registering their school. For programs that used SoundcheckPro this fall have already have their profiles created! Visit the edu portal to view your school page. Educators can already begin to create classes and invite their students!
BONUS: School Branding in SoundcheckPro
On top of EDU Portal for your school, programs can opt for their LOGO to appear in SoundcheckPro. This is a premium feature of the EDU Portal.
More SoundcheckPro feature announcements coming soon.
Finally, Thanks To Our Users
SoundcheckPro would be meaningless if not for all of the educators, students, administrators, hobbyists and professionals who invested time and effort to implement it for their needs. Thank you to everyone who shared feedback, made a positive recommendations and supported SoundcheckPro over the year. It doesn’t go unnoticed. I look forward to another semester of continued audio education at the highest standards.